By Geoff Page
The people’s rare August 29 victory over greedy development was well-covered here – and virtually only here - in The OB Rag. The news of the winning effort to appeal approval of a project on Point Loma Avenue was in
The Rag the same day.
The following day, Kate Callen provided a
detailed report of the hearing in The Rag.
The purpose of this piece is to provide some additional information, including something about how this appeal process works.
The Project – A Proposed Beehive
Just as a quick reminder, a developer wanted to put 20 dwelling units on a 7,000 square foot lot, with nine parking spots. The proposed project would have been on the southwest corner of Ebers and Point Loma Avenue. The lot sits at the east end of the small commercial district and has been an eyesore for years.
The people’s victory hinged on one technicality, that Ocean Beach is an historic district. The mayor’s Complete Communities plan, which the city used to justify this project, specifically states that the Complete Communities plan cannot be used in historic districts.